Our Mission

  • To warn the American people that circumcision is cruel, worthless, and destructive.
  • To provide parents with information and resources to help protect their children from those who would cut their genitals.
  • To give a voice to the victims of genital mutilation who have thus far remained silent.

Our Impact

In a typical year we travel to more than 60 cities, holding protests and educating the public about the rights of all children to keep all parts of their genitals.

We have reached hundreds of thousands of people directly on the streets of America, and millions more through traditional media coverage, our social media activities, and our billboard campaigns.

The Bloodstained Suit

The red bloodstain on the crotch symbolizes the wound that American doctors inflicted on our genitals when we were too young to defend ourselves.

It instantly reveals this truth: When you cut into the penis of a baby, you are forever damaging the penis of the man he will become.

Our Vision

We envision a nation and world in which all human beings are secure in the human right to genital integrity, by virtue of the elimination of both

  • the supply of
  • the demand for

all those forms of genital cutting characterized by both

  • lack of clear and pressing medical necessity
  • lack of patient consent.

Our Values

Personal security of the body is an inalienable human right, and so every individual has the right to be free from unwanted genital surgeries.

We don’t just stand in criticism of violations of genital integrity, we celebrate and appreciate the form and functions of the natural human genitals.

The love of a parent can be one of the strongest forces on the planet. We know that American parents love their children; breaking through bias and getting the right information into their hands isn’t easy, but parental love is why intactivism will someday win and genital mutilation will someday die.
We act as the voice for the voiceless, speaking out on the behalf of those unable to speak for themselves and their own genital integrity, past, present, and future.
We are rebels who say a loud “No!” and protest social conditions and institutional policies and practices that violate core societal values and principles.

We are fighting against a regrettable aspect of civilization, but we prize a clean standing in the community. Intactivism, like all social change movements, must win the respect and, ultimately, the acceptance, of a critical mass of ordinary citizens in order to succeed. As effective citizen activists, we are fluent in the language of the fundamental principles, values, and symbols that are also accepted by the general public.

We say what is true, and we don’t need to make up, embellish, or hide anything. The truth is stark enough. It is on our side, and that is all we need.